
2015-2018 Projects
Our projects involved Improving food production and diversification of food and income sources, Water access for both human and livestock, Reduced environmental degradation among others
Improved pasture and browse production
- Conservation of 30Ha of range land through fencing to allow natural rejuvenation of pasture at Bella-Matta in Mandera east.
- Opening of 20Ha of bush land for pasture production at Aresa in Mandera East
- Construction of 20 TB covering 20Ha of pasture land at Malkakuna project site in Mandera North and Burashum Mir location in Mandera central.
- Distribution of 400kg Sudan grass pasture seeds to Aresa , Burashum Mir, Gadudia, Sala , malkakuna and Shantole
Improved access to water for both human and livestock
- Expansion and desilting of 9No water pan of smaller capacities ranging 3000m3- 5000m3 to larger capacities of 7000m3 – 12000m3 at Mandera east, Lafey and Mandera West Sub counties.
- Construction of water pan of 5000m3 and lining with HDPE at Garse location in Mandera North.
- Construction of 3No. new water pans of 10,000m3 each at Sake, Gagaba locations in Mandera west and and Dololo in Mandera central.
- Construction 1No. new water pans of 7000m3 each at Kubdishan in Mandera West.
- Construction of 1No. Underground masonry tank of 200m3 at Malkaruqa in Banissa sub
- Construction of 7 underground masonry water tank of 400m3 at Goljo location in Bannisa, Bojigarse in Mandera Central, Bulla mpya Gither, Hardimtu, Doobu , Harshilmi in Mandera West and Burashum Mirr in Mandera west.
- Construction of 35No. new water pans of capacities between 4000m3 to 5000m3 at Mandera East, Lafey, Mandera North, Banissa, Mandera West and Mandera Central Sub Counties.
Improved food production and diversification of food and income sources.
- Construction of 3.5km of lined irrigation concrete canal and 32.5km of earth canal and laterals to irrigate 430Ha of crop land along the river line.
- Construction of 20 Trapezoidal Bunds (TB) covering 20Ha of arable land for crop production at Korobo Abero and Teso Boru in Banissa.
- Construction of 10No water spreading points at Kotkot in Mandera West to enhance soil moisture of 50Ha of rain fed farms.
- Construction of 0.8km of irrigation pipeline to enhance 14ha of irrigation farms at Debacity in Mandera Central.
Reduced environmental degradation
- Establishment of 5No. tree nurseries with 5000 tree seedlings at Liban, Ashabito, Marothile, Malkakuna and Gole projects sites.
- Purchase and distribution of 2000 tree seedlings to Girisa, Bella-Matta, Shantole, Bulla Airstrip and Gadudia project sites.
- Control of gully erosion through establishment of 10N0. water spreading points
Improved access to markets and other social services
- Rehabilitation of 14 kilometers feeder roads from the farms to the markets at Gole and Girrisa project sites in Mandera North.
- Construction of a new 6 kilometer road to the farms and river at Malkaruqa project site in Mandera North.
Improved capacity of community, CP staffs and Governments to implement sustainable food security projects
- Training of communities on Good Agronomic Practices, Operations and Maintenance and Management and Organization, Rain Water Harvesting and Management with the aim of enhancing their capacity to implement sustainable projects through establishment of a human resource base.
- Training of communities and County Government on Seasonal Livelihood Programming (SLP), with the ultimate goal of hinging SLP in the County Government planning tool box.